Third Option Wisdom: Videos
Seven-minute conversational videos to ask questions, develop mindset, and practice wholeness.
- Anger 4
- Boundaries 9
- Breathwork 23
- Chanting 5
- Compassion 11
- Courage 4
- Create Intimacy 8
- Creating Space 14
- Embrace Magic 5
- Energy Clearing 13
- Express the Feelings 6
- Fear 9
- Feel the Feelings 18
- Gentleness 7
- Get Grounded 7
- Get Vulnerable 15
- Giving / Receiving 7
- Guided Visualization 8
- Heal Part of Self 13
- Identify Your Gifts 4
- Invite Joy 6
- Love & Acceptance 13
- Mantra 4
- Meditation Practice 22
- Mind-Body Connection 16
- Mindfulness Practice 13
- Protective Defenses 4
- Relationship Wisdom 16
- Sound Healing 7
- Still the Mind 20
- Stretch to Grow 7
- Support Inner Change 21
- Surrender to the Unknown 10
- Tools & Practices 35
- Uncommon Thoughts About Ordinary Things 31
- Voices in your Head 8
- Wants & Needs 8
Between Busy and Wallowing
Learn about the sweet spot between getting lost in busy and allowing a tsunami of emotion to pull you under.
Something to Talk About
What conversational topics allow you to connect with another person, even when the world feels upside down?
Good Enough
Suffering from a perfectionist problem? Learn the gift of “good enough.”
The Common Denominator Wish
What one wish do we all share? And what happens when we make the wish come true?
Create - Sustain - Destroy
Come to understand your personal strengths in the natural life cycle. Then, be willing to ask for help to shore up the phase(s) you might struggle with.
Sympathy - Empathy - Compassion
How do sympathy, empathy, and compassion differ? Which one might you strive for, and why?
Defining Love
This isn't too big a topic to tackle in under seven minutes, is it? Well, maybe! Still, it's a starting place - with an invitation to discern the emotion of love from the action of loving, including yourself on your list of recipients.
Resistant to Change?
I invite you to re-evaluate and manually update your ability to change.
Boundaries (2 of 2)
What does it mean to respect the boundary of another person? What are the components of this contract? Find out!
About Gentleness, Rejuvenation, and Inspiration
Let's talk about taking steps to create space and welcome inspiration.
Boundaries (part 1 of 2)
What is a boundary? How do you get others to respect your boundaries?
Benefits of Pruning
What are the benefits of pruning, and how might you apply this practice to every day life? Plus, see a funny real life example of “desperate for pruning!”
Discovering your Gifts (3 of 3)
Let's wrap up the Discover Your Gifts series with another way for you to notice, and learn to honor, the unique ways you contribute to the world. You'll notice, it doesn't have to be complex or complicated!
Discovering your Gifts (2 of 3)
Learn another way to uncover one of your unique gifts.
Discovering your Gifts (1 of 3)
What are your unique gifts? And how do your gifts relate to self-protection? Find out!
Finding a Teacher
Open yourself to "beginner's mind," and allow yourself to learn something new.
Radio Silence
Gift yourself a time out to re-energize. You can't possibly know how amazing this feels unless you try it on!
Speaking Truth or Opinion?
Do you know the difference between speaking your truth or offering an opinion? And when is each warranted? What does each sound like? Find out!
Routine or Rhythm?
Discover your own personal pace and entertain the notion of graduating from routine to rhythm.