I offer single session appointments and multi-session programs.
One Hit Wonder
The occasional check-in appointment — a 60-minute reminder of who you truly be.
Laser Focus
Three coaching hours within six consecutive weeks. This option is well suited for past clients, already possessing many tools, who seek to navigate a stuck place through the lens of a new perspective.
Digging In
Six 60-minute sessions within 13 consecutive weeks. Give yourself the space to delve in. Together we seek to explore and move through a single obstacle that has been holding you back.
Getting My Groove Back
16 (60-minute) sessions in 26 consecutive weeks. Shift your paradigm. Re-discover your essence and learn tools to listen to that inner wisdom, day-to-day, to experience life changing results.
Commitment to Growth
40 coaching hours within 52 consecutive weeks. We begin by clearing out the habitual debris. With this new found space, you learn tools, create and expand a vision, connect to your divinity, and manifest the life you’ve been waiting to live, and simply didn’t know how.