Winter Vibrations
I loathe winter - the cold, the snow, the darkness, the runny noses and stuffy rooms. Ugh! As if all of that weren't enough, my hair stands on end, not unlike the photo above, only it doesn't look nearly as cute on me. When I pet my cats, kiss my husband or offer a hug - the experience can be shocking - ouch.
In an attempt to find the silver lining, I started thinking about all of this energy. The energy and vibrations I'm sharing with the universe, whether this takes the form of connection to the headrest in my car (to which my hair clings diligently) or that spark created by a hello kiss. I am reminded that we are truly connected to one another and to everything.
The texture of the "equator days" I long for, doesn't offer this same burst of charge. The vibrations of summer swell and sit more heavily. For me, they move as slow depths of the ocean, versus the charged crackle of winter air.
And yet, it is that very crackle reminding me that everything in our universe offers a unique vibration of energy. It is an energy shared, exchanged, borrowed and collaborated with. As I type this, I interact with the energy of my keyboard. My body borrows the supportive energy of my desk, chair and yoga blocks. And my cat's gently swishing tail will soon lead to subtle snoring, as his own energy settles against the vibrations of the monitor.
Despite my disdain for winter, it calls to my inner knowing that our connection is inherent. What we put into our microcosm of the world ripples through space far and wide. Our thoughts, spoken words, and actions have an impact. Just as the corn, now dormant in an Iowa field touches us in ways we don't expect and may not be conscious of - the seeds, the growth, the manifestation all create waves that reach us in time.
For many, winter is a time to take stock, to hibernate, meditate, and prepare for the spring ahead. Perhaps we might use this time to notice what energy we contribute. Notice if the mental hamster wheel judges self and others, cycle after cycle. Maybe you rage at your family? Could you be lying to yourself or others? Even holding tightly to a false emotion, whether you perceive it as a "good" or "bad" one has an impact. Remember, all of this energy radiates from and beyond you. Is it what you want to offer?
I believe for me, this is an opportunity to remember what my most authentic energy feels like. Who do I be when I speak my truth, honor my feelings, express my love, and allow my fear to be exposed and vulnerable.
One of our members, Beth Sutton, recently shared a winning Quote of the Week from Brenee Brown: "Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change." That's what I want to tap into and share. And, for the sake of my hair, I'll also visit the equator for a bit - promising myself to take winter's lesson with me.
With love and charged energy,
Joanne Lutz