Other Magic Words

An online workshop series available in five parts.


October 11: Setting Boundaries 101
October 25:
Welcoming the Good
November 15:
Asking for What You Want
November 29:
Apologizing with Integrity
December 13:
Setting Boundaries 2.0
7pm U.S. Eastern, 90 minutes


Do you remember being a kid wanting more dessert, extra time with your friends, or a later hour to tuck into bed? If the person responsible for you didn't oppose your desire, I bet that adult chimed in with a reminder: “What’s the magic word?” To which you may have sung, “PLEASE!”

Or perhaps Aunt Betty bought you a fabulous new baseball glove for your birthday, along with a strange sashay of lemon scented soap she'd picked up on her trip to the Amalfi Coast of Italia. Then, just as you were running to grab your ball, leaving the smelly soap buried in a discarded pile of wrapping paper and tape, your parent stopped you in your tracks. "What do you say to Aunt Betty?" Practically out of breath with excitement to get outside and play, you huffed, "Gee, thanks Aunt Betty?"

These were the magic words we learned. Good practices, but not a lot to go on for an entire lifetime.

I wonder, did anyone ever tell you how to ask for what you wanted in the first place? Did anyone give you the language that comes before the "please?"

Did they tell you how to apologize from a place of clarity and authentic responsibility? Or have you habitually hung your head low, and with sullen appeasement or resentful aggression said, "I'm sorry." Are you aware there are other options - ways to look someone in the eye and still acknowledge responsibility, ONLY when it's actually yours to claim?

Have you learned how to graciously accept a gift, a compliment, a service, when it is offered to you? Maybe you didn't consciously realize, there is a step before the "Thank you." There needs to first be a willingness to receive. Do you have language for that?

What words did you learn to use to manage the demands placed on you? How do you navigate the many requests for your time, efforts, and energy?

There are lots of "magic words" you may never have learned. Or worse, you might have been told it's not okay to set a boundary, because it might make someone else uncomfortable.

If you'd like to learn some of the Other Magic Words, and how to use them to:

  • ask for what you want

  • move from shame and blame to integrity

  • allow the good things that want to come to you, to actually come!

  • and to set clear boundaries

Plus, receive practices and live coaching in a Zoom group environment to:

  • support you integrating these new ways of being in the world

  • address topic-related challenges you face in real time

  • allow you to be more YOU

  • and, open to more day-to-day magic

Join me for one night or the entire five-part series.

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Other Magic Words

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Other Magic Words